Gordon Electronics offers an extensive electronics design service for its customers.
We offer our electronics design skills in the following areas
- Microprocessor-based and digital logic design -- we can offer a variety of microprocessors to best suit the needs of the project, based upon computational, power, size or cost needs. We currently support 8051, AVR and will be adding ARM in the near future. We can also develop the embedded firmware (software) for the microprocessor, and any necessary PC-based software used to interface to the design. Please refer to the Software Design section for more details.
- Analogue and Instrumentation design -- laboratory, medical, commercial, interface.
- Power Supply design -- mains-powered, battery-powered, low power, solar panel, charge management.
- Documentation -- no design is complete without proper documentation.
- Manufacture of prototype quantities of the design. We can also arrange large quantity manufacturing.
The major steps involved in our design work
- Discuss requirements with the customer -- very important to ensure that the customer gets what they want!
- Document the design -- well written technical documentation is an essential part of our design work.
- Design the electronic schematics -- clear, easy to read and print.
- Design the printed circuit board (PCB) -- we support both through-hole (TTH) or surface mount (SMD) technologies.
- Manufacture and assemble prototype quantities of the design -- we can also arrange large quantity manufacturing.
- Develop software for the design (if required) -- microprocessor-based designs need firmware to function, and often interfaces with PC-based software. Please refer to the Software Design section for more details.
- Perform extensive testing on the design -- tests that verify the design meets its performance specifications and also the customer's requirements.
- Supply the design (and software) to the customer -- the hand-over.
- Provide on-going support for the customer -- the customer's needs may change or expand with time.
Design Tools
- Protel Schematic and PCB
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc)
- Microsoft Project, Visual SourceSafe
- Perforce, Revision Control Systems
We have been involved with a wide variety of electronics and software design projects over the years, including:
- Custom power supplies,
- Solar-panel based battery chargers,
- Mains timers,
- Medical grade isolation amplifiers,
- Defibrillation energy meters,
- Microprocessor programming interfaces,
- Readers and access-controllers for both magnetic strip (swipe) and "smart-card" card-based systems,
- Cash reloaders for stored-value card systems,
- Custom mixed-signal IC and sub-assembly test systems,
- Manufacturing automation interfaces,
- Custom marine security and automation solutions,
- and more ... (confidentiality agreements are honoured)
- Please inspect our Examples page for details (and pictures) of some of our work.

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